Individual Liberty

Individual liberty is the foundation of a free society, where each person has the right to live their life free from undue interference by the government. This principle ensures that individuals are free to make their own choices—whether personal, economic, or social—without coercion, as long as they do not infringe upon the rights of others. At Texas Policy Research, we defend policies that safeguard personal freedoms and protect citizens from excessive government intrusion.

Individual liberty is not just about personal freedom; it’s about the recognition of inherent human rights. This principle upholds the belief that every Texan should have the autonomy to pursue their own path, provided they do not harm others. Laws that excessively regulate personal choices—whether regarding speech, association, or lifestyle—undermine this liberty. By ensuring that legislation respects these freedoms, we aim to protect the right to self-determination, which is the bedrock of a thriving, diverse society.

The concept of individual liberty has been championed by figures such as Thomas Jefferson, who said, “The God who gave us life gave us liberty at the same time.” This principle is rooted in the belief that personal freedom is an inalienable right. Influential thinkers like John Stuart Mill also emphasized the importance of liberty in his work On Liberty, where he argued that “the only freedom which deserves the name is that of pursuing our own good in our own way.” We believe that legislation should always aim to protect this freedom and prevent unnecessary restrictions on personal choice.