89th Legislature Regular Session

SB 384

Overall Vote Recommendation
Principle Criteria
Free Enterprise
Property Rights
Personal Responsibility
Limited Government
Individual Liberty
SB 384 allows applicants for a hunting or fishing license in Texas to voluntarily donate $1, $5, $10, or $20 to the Operation Game Thief Fund when applying for a license. The bill mandates that the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (TPWD) include a donation option on the application form and its website. Donations must be deposited into the fund no later than the 14th day of each month, after the department deducts reasonable administrative expenses.
Peter Flores
Sarah Eckhardt
Royce West
Fiscal Notes

The Legislative Budget Board (LBB) has determined that SB 384 will not have a significant fiscal impact on the state. Any costs associated with implementing the bill—such as modifying the application process for hunting and fishing licenses—are expected to be absorbed using existing resources of the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (TPWD). The bill does not mandate additional spending but instead provides an optional funding mechanism through voluntary donations.

The revenue impact of SB 384 is uncertain as it depends entirely on the number of applicants who choose to donate and the amount they contribute. However, since the donations go directly to the Operation Game Thief Fund, any revenue generated would likely enhance the state’s efforts to combat poaching and other wildlife crimes without imposing additional costs on taxpayers.

At the local government level, the bill has no anticipated fiscal implications. It does not impose new regulations or requirements on municipalities, counties, or other local entities. Since the TPWD already processes hunting and fishing licenses, the administrative burden of collecting and transferring donations should be minimal. Overall, SB 384 represents a cost-neutral policy change with potential benefits for wildlife enforcement funding.

Vote Recommendation Notes

SB 384 is a voluntary measure that allows individuals applying for a hunting or fishing license to donate to the Operation Game Thief Fund, which supports efforts to combat wildlife crime in Texas. This bill does not impose any new taxes or fees but instead gives Texans the freedom to contribute toward conservation enforcement initiatives at their discretion. By incorporating the donation option into the existing application process, it facilitates additional funding without creating government mandates or regulatory burdens.

This legislation aligns strongly with core liberty principles. It upholds individual liberty by making participation entirely optional, ensuring that individuals maintain control over their financial decisions. It reinforces personal responsibility by allowing sportsmen and outdoor enthusiasts to directly support law enforcement efforts aimed at preventing poaching and other wildlife violations. Additionally, it respects free enterprise and private property rights by safeguarding Texas's natural resources through voluntary contributions rather than coercive measures.

SB 384 does not expand state control, create new bureaucratic programs, or require additional taxpayer funding. The bill merely enhances an existing process by allowing license applicants to support a cause they may already care about. The Legislative Budget Board has confirmed that there are no significant fiscal implications, as any administrative costs can be absorbed by the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department using existing resources​.

Given its voluntary nature, fiscal neutrality, and alignment with personal choice and responsibility, SB 384 is a clear example of good governance. It strengthens wildlife enforcement efforts without infringing on individual freedoms or expanding government authority. For these reasons, Texas Policy Research recommends a YES vote on SB 384.

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