The fiscal implications of SB 688 are minimal. According to the Legislative Budget Board (LBB), the bill does not result in any significant fiscal impact to the state of Texas. The Secretary of State's Office has reviewed the proposed change and determined that adjusting the date of the presidential electors' meeting will not incur any notable costs or require additional resources.
Similarly, no significant financial implications are anticipated for local governments, meaning counties and municipalities will not face added expenses as a result of this legislation.
Texas Policy Research recommends a YES vote on SB 688, as it is a procedural adjustment that improves clarity in Texas' electoral process without expanding government power or imposing additional costs. The bill modifies the date on which Texas' presidential electors convene. This minor change aligns Texas law with federal election procedures, ensuring consistency and preventing potential legal conflicts. The bill has no fiscal impact on the state or local governments and does not affect individual liberty, personal responsibility, free enterprise, or private property rights. Instead, it supports limited government by maintaining orderly election processes without unnecessary bureaucracy.