89th Legislature Regular Session

SB 842

Overall Vote Recommendation
Principle Criteria
Free Enterprise
Property Rights
Personal Responsibility
Limited Government
Individual Liberty
SB 842 provides civil immunity to ringside physicians working at combative sports events, such as boxing and mixed martial arts. This immunity applies to acts performed within the scope of their duties unless the physician's actions constitute gross negligence. The bill amends Subchapter F, Chapter 2052 of the Texas Occupations Code.
Charles Schwertner
Fiscal Notes

The fiscal implications of SB 842 are minimal, with no significant financial impact on the state or local governments anticipated. According to the Legislative Budget Board, any potential costs associated with implementing the bill can be absorbed using existing resources.

Additionally, no fiscal burden is expected to be placed on local government entities. The Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation, which oversees combative sports events, does not foresee any material budgetary changes resulting from the bill.

Vote Recommendation Notes

Texas Policy Research recommends a YES vote on SB 842, as it aligns with key principles of limited government and free enterprise while maintaining individual accountability. The bill grants civil immunity to ringside physicians working at combative sports events, protecting them from lawsuits unless their actions constitute gross negligence. This protection encourages more medical professionals to participate in combat sports, ensuring fighter safety without the fear of frivolous litigation.

Additionally, the bill does not impose new regulatory burdens or increase government intervention, making it a pro-business and pro-individual liberty measure. While the legislation limits liability, it preserves accountability by allowing lawsuits in cases of gross negligence, striking an appropriate balance. Furthermore, the Legislative Budget Board confirms that the bill has no significant fiscal impact, reinforcing its practicality and sustainability. Given these factors, SB 842 supports a thriving combative sports industry, safeguards medical professionals, and upholds limited government principles, warranting full legislative support.

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