Free Enterprise

Free enterprise is essential to economic prosperity and innovation. It promotes the idea that the government should allow markets to operate with minimal intervention, letting competition drive progress, efficiency, and opportunity. By advocating for legislation that reduces barriers to business and entrepreneurship, we support policies that empower Texans to thrive in a competitive economy and expand opportunities for growth and innovation.

Free enterprise is about more than just open markets; it’s about unleashing the potential of individuals and businesses to innovate and grow without heavy-handed government restrictions. When the state imposes excessive regulation or creates monopolies, it stifles competition and limits consumer choice. We believe in fostering an environment where entrepreneurs can pursue new ventures and workers can freely negotiate the value of their labor. By supporting a competitive, deregulated marketplace, we aim to ensure that Texans from all walks of life have the opportunity to prosper.

The principle of free enterprise was central to the writings of Adam Smith, the father of modern economics, who advocated for minimal government interference in the market in his famous work The Wealth of Nations. Smith’s “invisible hand” theory highlighted how individuals pursuing their own self-interest could unintentionally contribute to the overall economic good. In the words of Ronald Reagan, “Entrepreneurs and their small enterprises are responsible for almost all the economic growth in the United States.” Texas Policy Research stands by policies that encourage entrepreneurship, competition, and innovation—hallmarks of a prosperous free-market economy.