Regulating AI in Texas and Other U.S. States

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As artificial intelligence (AI) technologies become increasingly integrated into critical sectors like healthcare, employment, and finance, state lawmakers across the United States are actively working to establish regulatory frameworks to address the opportunities and risks posed by AI. The recently published State AI Legislation Report by the Future of Privacy Forum (FPF) highlights key trends in AI governance.

Simultaneously, Texas lawmakers are also exploring their approach to AI regulation, as evidenced by the recent interim report from the Texas House Select Committee on Artificial Intelligence and Emerging Technologies.

1. Focus on AI in Consequential Decisions

Across the U.S., many state lawmakers are focusing on regulating AI systems used in consequential decision-making processes that materially affect individuals’ lives. These regulations target areas such as employment, education, housing, and financial services, where AI is increasingly used. AI systems used in these areas can profoundly impact individuals’ opportunities and access to services, which lawmakers assert makes regulation essential to prevent unfair or biased outcomes.

2. Algorithmic Discrimination

One of the primary legislative goals is to mitigate the risk of algorithmic discrimination, where AI systems disproportionately impact individuals based on protected characteristics. Several states have implemented laws that either prohibit AI systems that present a risk of discrimination or establish a duty of care for developers and deployers to ensure fairness.

3. Obligations for Developers and Deployers

Most AI legislative frameworks create distinct obligations for AI developers (those who build the systems) and deployers (those who use them). Developers are required to test systems for bias, provide necessary documentation, and assist in transparency, while deployers are responsible for conducting risk assessments and ensuring post-deployment monitoring.

4. Consumer Rights

Many legislative frameworks grant individuals rights when interacting with AI systems, including the right to be notified when AI is used, the right to understand how a decision was made, and the right to appeal or correct erroneous decisions.

5. Enforcement by State Attorneys General

AI regulations often place enforcement authority with state attorneys general, who can investigate violations, demand documentation, and hold developers and deployers accountable. Some states, like California, allow businesses a 45-day “right to cure” violations before penalties are enforced.

AI Regulation in Texas: Legislative Findings

In tandem with the broader U.S. efforts to regulate AI, the Texas Legislature has also been examining the implications of AI on public policy. The Texas House Select Committee on Artificial Intelligence and Emerging Technologies recently released an interim report that provides insights into Texas’ approach to AI regulation. Here are some key findings from that report:

1. Risk and Opportunity Analysis

The interim report highlights that while AI offers significant opportunities for innovation and economic growth in Texas, there are also substantial risks, particularly regarding privacy, cybersecurity, and algorithmic bias. The committee has emphasized the need to create a balanced regulatory framework that encourages innovation while protecting Texans from the potential harms of AI.

2. Focus on Data Privacy

One of the key concerns raised in the report is the intersection of AI and data privacy. The committee pointed out the potential for AI to exploit personal data in ways that could violate privacy rights. They recommended that future legislation should align AI regulations with existing privacy frameworks, such as the Texas Data Privacy and Security Act, ensuring that AI systems comply with strict privacy standards.

3. Sector-Specific Regulations

The committee advocated for sector-specific approaches to AI regulation. For example, AI systems used in healthcare may require different standards than those used in financial services. The committee recognized that a one-size-fits-all approach to AI regulation may not work given the diversity of industries that rely on AI technologies.

4. Encouraging Ethical AI Development

The report also called for creating incentives to encourage ethical AI systems’ development. This includes promoting AI tools that are transparent, accountable, and designed to minimize the risk of discrimination.

5. Texas as a Leader in AI Innovation

The committee concluded that Texas is well-positioned to become a leader in AI innovation and regulation. With its strong tech sector and growing investment in emerging technologies, Texas has the opportunity to set a national standard for ethical AI development and governance.

Texas’ Unique Position in AI Regulation

Texas’ approach to AI regulation reflects the broader trends seen across the U.S. while incorporating elements that are specific to the state’s priorities. The Texas Legislature’s focus on data privacy, sector-specific regulation, and promoting ethical AI systems aligns with national trends but is tailored to the state’s economic and technological landscape.

As Texas lawmakers prepare for the 89th Legislative Session, set to begin in January 2025, their recommendations will likely play a crucial role in shaping the future of AI governance in the state. The interim report serves as a foundation for future legislation that balances the need for innovation with the protection of individual rights, ensuring that Texas remains at the forefront of the AI revolution.


The landscape of AI regulation in the U.S. is rapidly evolving, with state lawmakers across the country crafting innovative approaches to governing AI systems. Key trends include a focus on regulating AI in consequential decisions, mitigating algorithmic discrimination, and establishing consumer rights. The Texas House Select Committee on Artificial Intelligence and Emerging Technologies has added its voice to this conversation, emphasizing the importance of privacy, ethical development, and sector-specific regulation.

Texas is poised to become a leader in AI innovation and regulation, setting the stage for future legislation that will ensure AI technologies are deployed responsibly while supporting the state’s thriving tech sector.

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