Understanding the Texas Legislative Budget Board

Estimated Time to Read: 5 minutes

The Texas Legislative Budget Board (LBB) plays a critical role in the financial and legislative processes of the state. As a pivotal entity within Texas’ governmental framework, the LBB ensures that state resources are allocated efficiently and in alignment with the legislative priorities and policy goals. This post delves into the functions, composition, and impact of the LBB, offering a comprehensive overview of its significance in the Texas legislative process.

What is the Texas Legislative Budget Board?

Ultimately, the Texas Legislative Budget Board is a permanent joint committee of the Texas Legislature, established to provide the legislature with fiscal information and policy analysis. Its primary mission is to assist lawmakers in making informed budgetary decisions that shape the financial health and public services of the state.

Composition of the LBB

The LBB consists of ten members, including a combination of lawmakers and appointees. The board members included are directed by existing statutes:

  • the Lieutenant Governor
  • the Speaker of the House of Representatives
  • the Chairman of the Senate Finance Committee
  • the Chairman of the House Appropriations Committee
  • the Chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee
  • Three members of the Senate, appointed by the Lieutenant Governor
  • Two other members of the House, appointed by the Speaker

The current LBB board members can be found here.

Core Functions of the LBB

The LBB is tasked with several key functions as a part of the legislative and budgetary process in Texas:

  • Budget Preparation and Recommendations: One of the primary responsibilities of the LBB is to prepare and submit a biennial budget to the Texas Legislature. This budget proposal serves as a starting point for legislative deliberations and includes detailed recommendations on state spending across various sectors. The LBB staff conducts thorough analyses of agency requests and economic forecasts to ensure the budget aligns with the state’s fiscal outlook and policy objectives.
  • Fiscal Analysis: The LBB provides an in-depth fiscal analysis of proposed legislation making its way through the legislative process, assessing the potential impact on the state’s budget and economy. This analysis manifests itself as a published document called a fiscal note. This analysis is crucial for lawmakers to understand the financial implications of their policy decisions. The LBB evaluates revenue estimates, cost projections, and long-term fiscal effects.
  • Performance Reviews and Evaluations: In an effort to promote efficiency and accountability in state government, the LBB conducts performance reviews and evaluations of state agencies and programs. These reviews identify areas for improvement, cost-saving opportunities, and best practices./spa
  • Legislative Oversight: The LBB plays a significant role in legislative oversight by monitoring the implementation of budgetary and policy directives. This oversight function ensures that state agencies comply with legislative intent and operate within their allocated budgets. The LBB staff regularly reports on agency performance, financial status, and compliance issues, keeping lawmakers informed and accountable.

The Legislative Appropriations Request (LAR) Process

An integral part of the LBB’s work is managing the Legislative Appropriations Request (LAR) process. State agencies submit LARs to the LBB, detailing their funding needs and program priorities for the upcoming biennium. The LBB reviews these requests, evaluates their justification, and makes recommendations to the legislature.

This process involves several steps:

  1. Guidelines Issuance: The LBB issues guidelines to state agencies, outlining the requirements and timelines for submitting LARs.
  1. Request Submission: Agencies prepare and submit their LARs, including detailed financial information and performance measures.
  1. Review and Analysis: The LBB staff reviews the LARs, conducts hearings, and engages with agency representatives to clarify requests and gather additional information.
  1. Recommendations: Based on their analysis, the LBB formulates budget recommendations for each agency, which are incorporated into the biennial budget proposal.

For more information on this process go here.

Impact of the LBB on Texas Policy and Governance

The influence of the LBB extends beyond budget preparation and analysis. Its work has a profound impact on Texas policy and governance in several ways:

  • Fiscal Responsibility: By providing accurate and comprehensive fiscal analysis, the LBB promotes fiscal responsibility within the Texas Legislature. Lawmakers rely on the LBB’s expertise to make prudent financial decisions, attempting to ensure that the state lives within its means and maintains a balanced budget.
  • Accountability and Transparency: The LBB enhances accountability and transparency in state government. Through performance reviews, evaluations, and legislative oversight, the LBB holds state agencies accountable for their use of public funds and their adherence to legislative directives. This oversight fosters transparency and trust in government operations.
  • Informed Policy Decisions: The LBB’s work supports informed policy decisions by providing lawmakers with the data and analysis needed to understand the implications of their actions. This information empowers lawmakers to craft policies that address the state’s needs and priorities effectively.
  • Efficient Resource Allocation: The LBB’s budget recommendations and fiscal analysis primarily aim to help ensure that state resources are allocated efficiently. By identifying areas of waste, inefficiency, and potential savings, the LBB contributes to the optimal use of taxpayer dollars.


The Texas Legislative Budget Board is a cornerstone of the state’s legislative and budgetary process, providing essential analysis, recommendations, and oversight. Its work attempts to ensure fiscal responsibility, accountability, and efficient resource allocation, supporting informed policy decisions and effective governance. As Texas continues to grow and evolve, the LBB’s role will remain vital in shaping the state’s financial health and public services. By understanding the functions and impact of the LBB, we can appreciate the complexities of state budgeting and the importance of sound fiscal management in promoting the well-being of all Texans.

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